It’s Time to Start Living a Life of Vive!
Living a life of vive is like harnessing the power of the Universe in the fingertip of your hand. It’s about reaching for your own stars, pulling them down and drinking them in. It’s living the best life you can; but not exhaustively. We want you to live your biggest and fullest life.
Receive. Build. Let your cups spill over!
Vive Is Here to Help…
Vive is the beloved name we’ve given the Universal Energy Source that we’ve tapped into. Through meditation, we receive information from Vive that we then share with you.
Vive is also open to talking to you directly, through the help of Christian and Lauren. Depending on who Vive believes is best suited to help, either Christian or Lauren will set up a call with you or record a personalized message from Vive to you.
It’s up to you.
We are here to help and assist; however, all of the rest is thoroughly and abundantly based upon you.