Who or what is Vive?
Vive is the beloved name we have given to the Multitudal Universal Energy Source that we (Jacquelyn and Brian) have tapped into. We access it through meditation and download and deliver the messages we receive.
The thing about Vive is that they say that they have three personalities/energies: Vive One, Two and Three. Vive One is the happy-go-lucky whimsical one, Vive Three is the more serious, deeper one, and then Vive Two is somewhere in between. We never know who we are going to get when we talk with them. Vive One typically doesn't give straight answers and mostly talks in fun riddles and metaphors. And Vive Three typically is a straight shooter, reality check, kick-ya-in-the-butt type. And again, Vive Two is somewhere in the middle.
If you would like to imagine Vive, think of a proper English gentleman in coattails, with a top hat and bow tie. That is the way Vive might look, if you were to see them walking down the street.
What will an interaction with Vive be like?
That depends on what you need. If you are already headed towards or swimming in the flow of the right path for your life, then Vive may take you on a whimsical journey on a magical carpet ride. If you’re not in the flow of the river that is your life or if you’ve stalled on on the riverbed, then an interaction with Vive may very well be a kick in the butt or a reality check.
Either way, the messages Vive provides will always be exactly what you need, even if you do not realize it at the time.
Vive can be whimsical, even a bit fantastical. And Vive will rhyme. A lot. They use riddles and rhymes all the time.
Most of what Vive says will have double meanings. They will play with puns, so ponder upon their words and phrases. They may say something like: “This message may meme something to you.” Where the word ‘meme’ stands for ‘mean’ and ‘meme.’
Vive may philanthropize. They may use words that may not be in existence yet—or ever. They may even use words from different languages, or even from different centuries.
They can also be quite blunt. Please do not take offense. Sometimes we all need a bit of a push, and Vive knows exactly when the moment calls for just that.
But overall, Vive will find a place near and dear to your heart, as they open you up to the wondrous nature of this world and your life.
How many questions can I ask Vive?
For a 10-15 minute personalized recording from Vive, we ask that you send us 3-5 questions, in order of importance. Vive will then answer your questions, or as many of them as possible in the allotted time. We will then send you the audio recording.
For a 20 minute live call with Vive, we ask that you think of about about 10 questions to ask; however, please keep in mind that if there is something important Vive would like you to know, then they will focus mostly on that.
For an 80 minute live call with Vive, we recommend that you think of about 15-20 questions to ask; however please know that especially with this call, Vive will guide the conversation.
When can I expect my audio recording?
How did Christian and Lauren find Vive?
As of now, you can expect to receive your recorded message from Vive within two weeks of sending in your questions.
If you’ve purchased a live chat or conversation with Vive, then you will also receive the audio file within a week after your call.
We would say that Vive found us.
In 2008, Vive came to both of us individually, answering yes or no questions that we would ask in our minds. In the beginning Vive spoke to Christian with head nods and to Lauren in eye blinks: a nod of the head meant yes, one blink meant no. We each then turned to autowriting and would receive information from Vive through written words. Then in early 2012, we each started learning about channeling. Christian took a channeling class and Lauren read “Opening to Channel” by Sanaya Roman and Duane Parker and practiced with other mediums. By mid-2012 we finally met and immediately started channeling together. It didn’t take long to figure out that we both were channeling Vive.
It’s been over seven years of channeling Vive in private with one another. Vive has guided us through many ups and downs in our life. They have led us on magnificent adventures and pulled us out of dark moments. We have not lived an ordinary life, we are living an extraordinary one. Because of Vive.