Talk to Vive

Whether you have questions about your career, family, love life, or all of the above, Vive has the answers that will change your life.


Recorded Message from Vive

Send us 3-5 questions and Vive will answer them in a personalized 10-15 minute recorded message.


We will send you the audio recording within two weeks of sending in your questions.


Chat with Vive

Have a 20 minute live chat with Vive over the phone. This is a more personalized experience that will touch your heart.


We will send you an audio recording of the chat when you finish.


Conversation with Vive

Talk to Vive for 80 minutes over the phone.  This is a rare opportunity to have a long conversation with spirit and allow them to guide you with direct messages.


We will send you an audio recording of the conversation when you finish.


Personalized Recorded Message

10-15 minutes, $80


Live Chat with Vive

20 minutes, $220


Live Conversation with Vive

80 minutes, $800