Talk to Vive
"We are a bit fantastical and over-abundantly whimsical. We like to play and have fun. We are very cheerful. And if you were to see us in real life, we would be in top hats and full of profundities.
We may rhyme. We may rhyme again. We may rhyme until you never know the end. Yes, we are poetic. And just, if we must.
We can be blunt. Very blunt. We may hammer you on the head or give you an ice cream cone.
However, we are here. We are present. And we will play and bestow upon you the abundant wonders of life and the world.
We love life and you and, most of all, us. All of us.” - Vive (July 2019)
Personalized recording from vive
Send us your questions and Vive will respond to you with a personalized 10-15 minute recorded message. ($80)
CHat with vive
Have a 20 minute live chat with Vive over the phone. This is a more personalized experience that will touch your heart. We will send you an audio recording of the chat when you finish. ($220)
Conversation with vive
Talk to Vive for 80 minutes over the phone. This is a rare opportunity to have a long conversation with Spirit and allow them to guide you with messages meant directly for you. We will send you an audio recording of the conversation when you finish. ($800)